Report on 2008 Reunion
Friday 14th & Saturday 15th March 2008
Page updated with photographs on 22nd March 2008
This TENTH Reunion for ex-PSNC sea-going officers ie. Captains, Deck, Engine, Electrical and Radio Officers, Pursers, Chief and Second Stewards and spouses was held in the usual venue, the Packet Steamer, Netherton, Liverpool.
Spreading it over two evenings made it easier for people to attend one or both evenings.
No formal meal was arranged but Restaurant and Bar meals were available. Regulars will be pleased to know Ann Coleman was still there
Friday evening was a casual get-together over a few pints but on Saturday night we showed slides and photos From CD, some of which provoked much mirth!
As in previous years Saturday morning found some of us at the Liverpool Maritime Museum followed by a liquid/sandwich lunch at the Pump House at Albert Dock. Spouses were welcome to come or to enjoy retail therapy or sightseeing.
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# indicates First Time at a reunion
- Addison, Alan and Sheila (at the Pump House on Saturday)
- Berry, Ron (2)
- Boyle, Peter (Sat)
- Bridson, David H (2)
- # Brooks, Keith (Fri)
- Chittenden, Liz (nee Rybert)(Sat)
- Davidson, Donald (Fri)
- # Ellis, Chris and Alma (Sat)
- Erskine, Barry and Anne (2)
- # Farr, Ken and Elaine (2)
- Farrell, Hugh (Fri)
- Flaherty, John (2)
- Gregson, Philip and Christine (2)
- Hilton, Bill (2)
- Houghton, Capt. David (Sat)
- Jenkins, John (Taf) and Wendy (2)
- Lancaster, Brian (alias "Blue") & # Yvonne (2)
- McWilliam, Stuart (2)
- Moore, Les (2)
- Newton, Dave (2)
- Nuttall, Jeannie (2)
- Parke, Terry (Fri)
- Quirk, Mike and Kath (2)
- Rogers, John and Pat (Fri)
- Rushbrook, Alan and Carol (Sat)
- Scott, Carlisle and Eurwen (2)
- # Shimmin, Graham (Sat)
- Sykes-Little, Gordon (Sat)
- Stennet, Alison (Sat)
- Stone, Brian (2)
- # Tanner, Pat (nee Hewlett) (2)
- Tickell, Ian (2)
- Thackery, Gill (2)
- # Tomlinson, John (Sat)
- Welton, Chris and Janet (2)
- Wheeler, Don and Lesley (2)
- Whitehead, Colin (Sat)
- Wile, John and # Mary(2)
(Fri) = Friday evening only, (Sat) = Saturday only and (2) = Friday and Saturday
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- Adams, Keith - family commitments in USA
- Addison, Alan - hopes to meet us at lunchtime on Saturday the Pump Room
- Atkinson, Frank - on holiday but happy to hear from anyone who remembers him.
- Barr, Ian - eye operation due; unable to fly to UK
- Bond, Bob - family commitment
- Bradshaw, Ken - on holiday celebrating wedding anniversary
- Brooks, Martin - rostered to be working
- Chapman, Stephen - family commitments
- Clear, F George - restricted mobility
- Clydesdale, Bryan - working in Dubai
- D'Arcy, Capt. Sam - on holiday - sends best wishes to all
- Gibson, J. Alan - sends best wishes to anyone who remembers him
- Gowland, Capt. Eric - hospital appointment
- Guymer, Bernie - on holiday
- Harrison, Alexander - knee operation that week
- Hudson, Alan & Judith Hudson - on holiday
- Hyland, Kevin & Cynthia - commitments but sent photos of the tug "Poderoso"to show.
- Imhof, Hans - building luxury yacht in Italy
- Jones, Stuart - still living in Sydney
- Kelly, Jeffrey - working abroad: "Please pass on my thoughts to all attending; I wish you a good weekend and hope next year falls right for me."
- Lee, Mike - will be working
- Lewis, Peter - Ill-health - sends his best wishes!
- Lowther, Cliff - "working but my good wishes to anyone present who remembers me and I hope you all enjoy a successful weekend"
- Marr, Bill - family commitments but hopes to attend in 2009
- McColl, Neil & Pam - "we send saludos from Panama to those we know; please let us know if any of you are going to be passing through."
- McGarry, E. John - family health commitment
- McSporran, C. Don - living in Australia
- Monk, George - at age 90 he finds getting around a little difficult
- Morgan, Jim - "family celebrations but should anyone be interested from the period 1956/60 please feel free to pass on my contact details"
- Neal, Roger & Anita - personal commitments
- O'Hara, Paul - on holiday
- Penny, Arthur - awaiting knee op.
- Plewes, Michael - Australia has not yet drifted closer to UK!
- Pringle, Cameron - apologies
- Ransom, Fred - will be on holiday
- Ratcliffe, Pete - will be working during March, possibly in the Far East.
- Rigby, Alan - family commitments
- Shaw, Angus - will not be in UK. Best wishes to all who know him.
- Small, John - hernia and knee op.
- Smith, Phil & Helen - other commitments
- Smyth, Robert - hopes every one attending has a great time recalling their "old sea dog tales".
- Swan, John A. - family health reasons - but is still his ambition to attend before too long
- Thorburn, Malcolm
- Thornton, Ernie
- Vile, Peter - on holiday
- Walmsley, Brian
- Webb, Dave - living in Australia
- White, Dudley "Chalkie" - eye op.
- Wright, John - recent hip op.
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Friends who had "Crossed the Bar" since the 2007 reunion
- Currie, Ian - former Chief Engineer. Sadly, Ian passed away in hospital in Ayr on 21st September 2007 after a long battle. He had always hoped to attend the reunions but ill-health prevented him from doing so. He leaves behind his wife Sheila and two daughters.
- Dagnall, Reg - former Electrician on Reina del Pacifico and "S" boats - died at home 12th November 2007 aged 81
- Nuttall, Keith - former 3rd Engineer on various vessels, including MV Salaverry which he regarded as the happiest ship he ever served on, and latterly of ICI, died very suddenly and unexpectedly on 10th June 2007 (aged 66 years) at home in Hambleton.
Keith was instrumental in encouraging and motivating me to arrange the first of what have now become Annual Reunions for former PSNC sea-going Officers; he will be sadly missed.
- Rice, Ronnie - Electrical Engineer. It is with much regret that I have to inform you of the death Ronnie who passed away peacefully in hospital on the 15th June 2007 - aged 67 years - following a short illness.
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Apologies if you were at the Reunion but you do not appear in any of the photographs. If I have labelled any of them incorrectly then do please let me know.
The Capt. David Houghton Fan Club

Standing: Christine Gregson, Mary Wile, Wendy Jenkins, Jeannie Nuttall, Liz Chittenden (nee Rybert), Alison Stennett (nee Slater)
Seated : Anne Erskine, Capt David Houghton, Lesley Wheeler, Kath Quirk

Hugh Farrell with Yvonne and Brian "Blue" Lancaster

David Houghton with Mike and Kath Quirk

John and Mary Vile with Phil Gregson

Lesley Wheeler, Graham Shimmen and Yvonne Lancaster

Allan and Shiela Addison could not attend the evenings but met us in the Pump House

Allan and Carol Rushbrook and Brian Stone

Alma and Chris Ellis with Pat Tanner

Chris and Janet Welton

Alison Stennet and Liz Chittenden

Gordon Sykes-Little and Colin Whitehead

Don Wheeler, David Houghton and Lesley Wheeler

Scotty, Elaine and Ken Farr and Pat Tanner

Dave Newton and Bill Hilton

Keith Brooks, John Jenkins, Stuart McWiliam, Wendy Jenkins

Jeannie Nuttall, Ian Tickell, Ron Berry, Dave Bridson

Anne and Barry Erskine, David Houghton and Alison Slater
Here's to the next Reunion!
Standing: Bill Hilton, John "Taf" Jenkins
Seated: Dave Newton, John Flaherty, Gill Thackery, Mary Wile, Christine and Phil Gregson, John Wile
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