PSNC Officers Reunion 2010
2010 Reunion Report
The 12th Reunion took place on Friday 12th & Saturday 13th March
Page last updated 2nd April 2010
For this TWELFTH Reunion once again we returned to the Packet Steamer, Netherton, Liverpool.
It was the customary casual event for ex-PSNC sea-going officers ie. Captains, Deck, Engine, Electrical and Radio Officers, Pursers, Chief and Second Stewards with spouses and partners. Again there were a number of people who were attending a reunion for the first time and it was great to see old friendships renewed and new ones forged!
Friday evening was the regular get-together over a few pints but on Saturday night we enjoyed Richard Robinson's renditions of his own compositions.  : This not only entertained but also extended his performance to help "fill in" whilst we waited for those who were unfortunately delayed owing to the extremely busy restaurant and also whilst we overcame some gremlins in the computer/projector link!
Fortunately, Carlisle Scott is not a man to give up without a real struggle and eventually managed to get the technology operational and gave an excellent presentation of a trip to Antarctica!
Richard Robinson has said he would prefer not to sing next year to allow him more time to chat and relax and it would allow us to show more of your photos and or videos. He kindly passed out CDs of his songs at the Reunion but has volunteered to send Free of Charge a copy to anyone who may have wished one but missed out. Just email Richard R. Robinson
Unfortunately, very few of those attending had brought any photos to display so may we encourage you to start looking them out now and burn them onto CD or DVD ready for next year please? It would be great to have fresh material as everyone seems to really enjoy seeing them and the banter that accompanies this aspect of the Reunion. However, if YOU don't bring them WE cannot show them!
and nostalgic
(2) means both evenings
- Atkinson, Frank (Fri)
- Boyle, Peter (2)
- Bridson, David (2)
- Crabtree, Dennis and Deborah (2)
- d'Arcy, Sam (Sat)
- Ellis, Chris and Janet
- Erskine, Barry and Anne (2)
- Farr, Ken and Pauline (Sat)
- Farrell, Hugh and Esther (Fri)
- Flaherty, John (2)
- Fullam, Norman and Angela (2)
- Gregson, Phil and Chris (2)
- Guymer, Bernie and Ann (2)- driving up from Suffolk with spare seats
- Hague, Douglas (Sat)
- Hilton, Bill (2)
- Houghton, Capt. David (Sat)
- Jenkins, John and Wendy (2)
- Marr, Bill
- McWilliam, Stuart
- Moore, Les (2)
- Newton, Dave (2)
- Nuttall, Jeannie (2)
- Owen, Kenneth & Mrs Pauline Tring (Sat)
- Parke, Terry (Fri)
- Penny, Arthur and Kathleen (2)
- Quirk, Mike and Kath (2)
- Ratcliffe, Peter (2)
- Robertson Neil and Bernie Howden (Sat)
- Robinson, Richard (2) - excellent Folk Singer who entertained us on Saturday
- Scott, Carlisle and Eurwen (2)
- Stone, Brian (2)
- Thackery, Gill (2)
- Tickell, Ian (2)
- van Toren, Adrian (2)
- Wallace, Bill and Nora (2)
- Wheeler, Lesley (Sat)
- White, Dudley "Chalkie" (2)
- Welton, Chris and Janet (2)
- Wile, John and Mary (2)
If I have missed anyone off the list please accept my apologies and do send me an email
- Addison, Alan and Sheila
- Bennett, John - overseas
- Berry, Ron - unfortunately, Ron has leukemia and has been undergoing fairly strong chemotherapy which takes a lot out of him
- Bradshaw, Ken - in Australia
- Brooks, Keith - family commitment
- Child, Mike- special family birthdays
- Dearden, Derek
- Downing, Arthur - too much work in Abu Dhabi at present
- Ellis, Jim D. - for reasons too lengthy to go into
- Foster, James - in Australia
- Garroch, Bob - in South Africa
- Hewlett (aka Tanner), Pat - health reasons
- Hill, Tim - sends best wishes to Capt Houghton, Gill Thackery, Stuart McWilliam and anybody who remembers him.
- Hudson, Alan and Judith
- Kelly,Jeffrey - will be in Africa
- Lancaster, Brian "Blue" - Yvonne is unwell
- Lee, Mike - will be at sea
- Lowther, Cliff - unable to make the reunion weekend but wishes all those present a very pleasant time
- Macleod, Fred
- McRae, Ian
- Newman, Dave - in South Africa
- Rigby, Alan - other commitments
- Roscoe, Steve - in Australia - best wishes to all former shipmates
- Rushbrook, Alan & Carol
- Stuart, James - in Australia; hopes to be here in 2011
- Thornton, Ernie - in Australia
- Tomlinson, John - previous engagement - friend's retiral party
- Valentine, Geoff
- Weate, Tony - in Australia
- White, Dudley "Chalkie"
- Wilcox, Stewart
- Webb, Dave - in Australia; hopes to be here in 2011
Top of page
They are here now!   Sorry for the delay!

Former PSNC Officers who have "Crossed the Bar" since our 2009 Reunion
- Clark, Steve (3rd Engineer) on 5 Aug 2009
- Gibson, J. Alan (Chief Purser) on 26 December 2009
- Huckstep, Richard G. on 25 September 2009
- Meek, Gordon (3rd Engineer) on 29 Oct 2009
- Whitehead, Colin (Chief Steward) on 8 June 2009
For further details or other notifications please see Obituaries
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