Photographs from both evenings
The regular venue - the Packet Steamer, Northern Perimeter Road, Netherton, Liverpool L30 7PT was used.
TEL 0151 531 1497
Many heeded my suggestion to book early for dinner each evening and had more time to "socialise"e as a result.
- Atkinson, Frank & Jean
- Boyle, Peter
- Bridson, David
- Crabtree, Dennis & Debbie
- Davies, Cliff
- Erskine, Barry & Anne
- Flaherty, John
- Fullam, Norman
- Greenwood, Martin
- Hilton, Bill
- Hudson, Alan and Judith
- Jenkins, John & Wendy
- Lancaster, Brian ("Blue")& Yvonne
- Molyneaux, Graham (2) (First time at a Reunion)
- Monk, John & Sharon
- Moore,Les
- Newton, Dave and daughter Elizabeth
- Nuttall, Jeannie
- Owen, Ken and Pauline Tring
- Parker, Andy
- Penny, Arthur & Kathleen
- Priest, Frank and Margaret - (First time at a Reunion)
- Quirk, Mike and Kath
- Ratcliffe, Peter
- Richardson, Merv
- Robertson, Neil and Bernie Howden
- Smith, Philip and Helen
- Stone, Brian
- Stringfellow, Arthur
- Tickell, Ian
- Van Toren, Adrian (2)
- Wile, John (2)
- Wright, John (2)
Had hoped to attend:-
- Adams, Keith - in USA
- Blue, Jack - Radio Officer 1967/8; sent some photos
- Boswell, John - in Canada
- Bradshaw, Ken and Irene - problems with extreme weather and fires in Tasmania
- Child, Michael H. - not possible this year - but best wishes to anyone who remembers him
- Cleiffe, Peter - in Spain and very rarely in UK
- Davidson, Donald
- Downing, Arthur - work commitments in Australia
- Ellis, Chris
- Ellis, Jim - will be off skiing
- Fairbrother, William
- Farrell, Hugh & Esther - will be away
- Gregson, Phil and Chris - Long standing arrangement - Friend's 50th Birthday Party
- Guymer, Bernie & Ann; Could not get time off work
- Houghton Capt. David and daughter Elaine - sadly, he is now in a Care Home and although he had been very ill recently he is improving and hopes to join us in 1914
- Imhoff, Hans - in the opposite side of the world
- Jones, Stuart - in New Zealand
- Judge, Russell - will be working in Germany
- Kelly, Jeffrey - going back to work in Africa before the reunion
- Lowther, Cliff
- Macleod, Fred - mobility is impaired now
- McRae, Ian - other commitment
- Newman, Dave - in South Africa
- Robertson, Richard - will be in Yokohama
- Scott, Carlisle and Eurwen
- Small, John -in Spain until May - perhaps manage next year
- Spears, Brian - sadly his wife Valerie passed away 10th January 2013
- Stennet, Alison
- Swan, John - accompanying his wife to a Congress in Spain
- Thornton, Ernie - Distance - living in Australia
- Valentine, Geoff
- Vile, Peter - send his best wishes an hopes to be there next year
- Weate, Terry - Distance - in New Zealand
- Webb, David - Distance - living in Australia
- Welton, Chris and Janet
- Almost everyone who sent apologies wished us a great evening and passed on best wishes to former colleagues who may remeber them.
- If I have missed your name from any of the lists do please contact me and I will rectify the omission.
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Former PSNC Officers and family who have "Crossed the Bar" since our 2012 Reunion
- Buckett, James Lees , Master Mariner and Lt. Commander, died in an Aberdeen Nursing Home on Monday 30th July 2012. He is survived by his wife Barbara-Ellen and two sons. Funeral was on Monday 6th August in Aberdeen. See Obituaries
- We were saddened by news of the death of Sheelah, wife of Captain David Houghton, who passed away on 9th July 2012 after a long illness.
- Spears, Valerie (nee Steel) Sadly, Brian Spears advised me that his wife Valerie passed away on 10th January 2013. She had been suffering from breast cancer. Valerie was a hairdresser on the Reina del Mar in the sixties. They met when he was Asst. Purser on the Reina and had their first date in Barbados. They later married in 1967. See Obituaries
- Waring, Bill - Electrical Engineer- Regret to inform you that Bill Waring died 19th February 2013 in Kendal. (Information from Russell Judge.) See Obituaries
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Photographs from both evenings

Above: Les Moore and Arthur Stringfellow. Arthur kindly brought a bottle of Pisco and mixed up some Pisco Sours bringing back happy memories of "the Coast"

Above: Phil and Helen Smith who really helped with computer projection glitches!       Adrian van Toren, Debbie and Denis Crabtree

Above: John Flaherty and John Wile. Dave Bridson, Ian Tickell, Brian Stone, Peter Boyle, John Wright

Above: Barry Erskine enjoying one of Arthur's Pisco Sours. Adrian van Toren very kindly made a ship-in-a-miniature-bottle, the Salaverry, as a gift for Barry's 70th.
Please feel free to send in your photos taken at the Reunion and I will post as many as I can to the web pages. Thanks.
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