The regular venue - the Beefeater Packet Steamer, Northern Perimeter Road, Netherton, Liverpool L30 7PT (TEL 0151 531 1497) - was the venue for the Nineteenth Annual Reunion.
(However, it would have been the 20th if we counted the Inaugural Meeting when four of us went on a trip up the Manchester Ship Canal in August 1997)
The Meeting Room has been completely refurbished and looked really good.
On Saturday evening we had a hectic and worrying hour or so when both of the projectors belonging to the venue failed to operate properly on three of our laptops despite the efforts of the staff.
However, an Assistant Manager produced an HDMI lead with which we managed to connect Bernie's Windows laptop to the beautiful flat screen TV which has been installed since the last Reunion.   Phew!
Thereafter, we enjoyed the customary "slide show" of nostalgic photos and videos of personnel and ships etc from the "good old days".
(2) means both evenings
- Boyle, Peter (Sat)
- Bridsom, Dave (2)
- Crabtree, Dennis & Debbie (2)
- Davis, Cyril "Cliff" and sons Karl & Kevin (Sat)
- Ellis, Jim (Sat)
- Erskine, Barry & Anne (2)
- Garnett, Bob & Yvonne (2) (Bernie Guymer's in-laws)
- Greenwood, Martin (Sat)
- Gregson, Phil & Chris (2)
- Guymer, Bernie & Ann (2)
- Hilton, Bill ("Willie") (2)
- Moore, Leslie (Sat)
- Parker, Andy (2)
- Parke, Terence (Fri)
- Quirk, Mike & Kath (2)
- Richardson, Merv (2)
- Robertson, Neil (Sat)
- Tickell, Ian (2)
- van Toren, Adrian & Vivienne Livesey (2)
I apologise if you attended and your name is missing from the list; do please send me a reminder. Thanks.
Apologies were received from:-
- Farrel, Hugh & Esther. " Sorry, had to cancel hotel booking; have nasty tummy bug and have to stay close to loo! My regards to all." (Received Friday afternoon!)
- Fullam, Norman, "Very disappointed; I am unable to attend on Saturday. Everything was lined up to sail over on a friend's boat but unfortunately something came up at the last minute and he is unable to make it. Best regards and I hope you all have a very enjoyable weekend." (Received Thursday)
- Imhof, Hans. "Unable to make it again this year. Best wishes to all and hope to be there next year."
- Jenkins, John & Wendy. Will be on a sailing holiday. Mixed up the dates!
- Kelly, Jeffrey. "As usual I will be away at work in Sunny Equatorial Guinea. Please pass on my apologies,"
- Nuttall, Jeannie - sadly, a family bereavement
- Scott, Carlisle & Eurwin. Carlisle is waiting for hospital appointment for a stent to be fitted and Eurwin recently had a knee replacement.
- Stringfellow, Arthur. "Unfortunately, I shall not be attending this year due to my wife's ill health. Please give my regards to Hugh Farrell (Cymru am byth!) and to Les Moore, who will have to get his own Pisco sours this year!"
- Tomlinson, John
  Advance notice for your 2018 Diaries . . . . 9th & 10th March 2018 have been booked at the same venue!
Former PSNC Officers and family who have "Crossed the Bar" since our 2016 Reunion
- Ian James Kelty. Passed away peacefully in hospital on 31 December 2016, aged 79 years.
- John McCombie. I was informed it was reported in the "Gordenstoun News" that he died in 2016. Sorry, further details unavailable at present.

Top of page
I am very grateful to Andy Parker who managed to take a number of photos of some of those who attended on Friday.   Sorry, I was unable to do so on Saturday owing to problems with the projectors.
Andy's photos will be added to this page in the next couple of days. (We only got home on Thursday and have been busy since then!)

Adrian van Toren and Andy Parker in Foyer of old Merv Richardson Vivienne Livesey Debbie Crabtree
PSNC offices (now a Hotel) in James Street, Liverpool

Phil Gregson Terry Parke Yvonne and Bob Garnett Bill Hilton

Debbie and Dennis Crabtree Adrian van Toren Ian Tickell Pete Barmby

Anne   and Barry Erskine Bernie Guymer Chris Gregson Ann Guymer
If you took photographs at the 2017 Reunion please send them to me and I will post as many as I can to the web pages. Thanks.
PSNC House Flag Badges . . . PSNC index page . . . Photo Index . . . Barry's Site Index Page