I am indebted to Kenneth Bradshaw - 2nd Engineer - for these nostalgic photos which will bring back memories for a few of you!
Ken joined the Santander as 2/6th on 18 Aug 1955 in Belfast at H&W where he had been in the Drawing Office, after his Apprenticeship as Fitter, then aged 24. He Left Santander 2-3-57 in Hull as 1/5th. Joined Walsingham 5-4-57 Liverpool to 28-5-57 London as 3rd. Salinas Liverpool 13-11-57 as 2nd to 5th June 59 at Liverpool. Salamanca H.T. July Aug 59 as 2nd. Sarmiento August 59 as 3rd H.T. Salamanca as 2nd, Feb 60. Eleuthera 1-4 to 27-6 60 as 2nd. Ken left PSNC in 1969 and moved to Cunard - Queen Elizabeth -for 9 months before going ashore in June 1961. Since then he has been with The War Dept at Bovington, The Solomon Islands Marine Dept for about ten or so years followed by a brief spell as a Meat Plant Engineer in Ireland, and Brisbane Port Authority for about 13 years until he packed in the working life in 1990. He is now retired happily in Tasmania.
If you feature in any of the photos and wish to contact Ken I do have his email address.
Santander 1956

Chief Eng is Ron Carter
Walsingham/Cotopaxi 1957

25th Aug 2002 : Bernie Foster, who was with them, tells me that
the 1st Electrician is John Smeridge from the Cotopaxi
and 2nd Electrician is Mike Jones
Salinas 1958

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